Wednesday, May 4, 2016

USA Dollar Shall be worthless by summer 2016 and be shut out of world trade like Mexico


The true latest facts on USA true economic deline...

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          Your Control


Former U.S. Congressman issues the following Economic warnings:
In a recent interview, former 22 year U.S. Congressman issued the following warnings to Americans:
Currency Collapse in 2016 is INEVITABLE
3 signs of a Currency Collapse
The World Reserve Currency WILL change
The Fiscal Crisis will cause Federal Government to target 401ks & IRAs
Currency Collapse
According to the former U.S. Congressman “A currency collapse is inevitable.” In the 1980’s President Ronald Reagan said: “No great nation that has abandoned the gold standard has ever remained a great nation.” Without a gold standard there is no limit to government spending. Alan Greenspan has stated, “In the absence of the gold standard there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation.”

Gold is the international currency and has been for over 4,000 years. Act now before the storm happens. Wouldn’t you rather be a week early than a day late?

Learn how to protect yourself against a currency collapse:

3 Signs of a Currency Collapse
1) A decline in the value of the dollar(U.S. dollar has lost over 40% of its value since 2000)

2) A spike in inflation(Inflation is up over 35% since the year 2000)

3) An increase in U.S. interest rates(Federal Reserve is set to increase rates this Fall)

The U.S. Dollar’s time is limited. Act now before the Global Reset. Learn how Gold & Silver can protect you in a currency collapse.

The World Reserve Currency WILL change
Recently China has increased its trading with Germany, India and others, excluding the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency. In addition 10 Countries have already signed a document to begin phasing out the U.S. dollar as their basis of trade. Even the IMF has proposed a new world reserve currency system. The days of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency may well be numbered.

The IMF has already stated that the next world reserve currency WILL be backed by GOLD. In 2014 & 2015 China bought more gold than the world produced leading many to believe the next reserve currency WILL be the Chinese Yuan.

The Fiscal Crisis will cause Federal Government to target 401ks & IRAs
The U.S. Debt is $18 Trillion, the value of all retirement accounts in America is over $20 Trillion. As we’ve already seen in Cyprus, the federal government may decide to target 401ks and IRAs as a source of additional revenue. This could take the form of a tax or fee of some sort. Dr. Ron Paul also mentioned the possibility of a tax on regular savings and other assets. If the government finds itself in a tight situation, as we’ve witnessed in the recent past, the potential intrusion could be severe.

You can legally take physical possession of your retirement account with a Precious Metals IRA and even store the gold in your house. This essentially takes you out of the government system and out of paper altogether. No more exposure to government risk.

Learn how to protect your IRA & 401k with this IRS tax loophole:

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Act now before the Global Reset.
This Guide reveals how Gold:
Protects from a declining dollar and government overspending

Safeguards your portfolio in times of economic uncertainty

Can offer you tremendous growth potential



The World Reserve Currency WILL change
The Fiscal Crisis will cause Federal Government to target 401ks & IRAs
Collapse of the U.S. Dollar by the Fall of 2016

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Now many readers may be thinking. .. What the heck does all this business term mean in plain average English, and why should I the American Citizen, have concern and be worried or even care..????

Don't worry Aye Sarita got your back and contacted them and even got all things you need and information to simply understand and how to keep your life and retired and family  save and un harm from the governments error, and the steps needed to ensure  your financial security. ..

They even allowed me to share my link with everyone. ..

Here your link to get all information you need and hook yourself up to finacial security. ..

Businesses are slipping and are exposing there lack in ethics and integrity. . SHOWING THEY TRULY HAVE NO SHAME IN THERE GAMING THE SYSTEM

 Danny Westneat / Columnist
Microsoft, Amazon, others excel at offshore tax dance

Originally published April 5, 2016 at 8:00 pm Updated April 6, 2016 at 10:42 am
The invisible web of connections by which the rich get a sweeter deal is starting to be exposed. How America reacts is huge — especially for one of the top users of offshore tax havens, Microsoft.

When President Obama was asked Tuesday about how the elite shuffle money around the world to avoid paying taxes, he called it “gaming the system.” But he was careful not to name any names.

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“Frankly, folks in America are taking advantage of this same stuff,” he said about the “Panama Papers,” documents revealing how some global elites have set up shell companies and offshore accounts to skirt taxes in their home countries.

Well here’s a few names you may have heard of: Microsoft. Amazon. Expedia.

These local companies haven’t shown up in the Panama Papers, 11 million documents leaked last weekend from a law firm that specializes in forming tax haven accounts. But the three Seattle-area companies are on the list of the top 300 firms in America for parking profits overseas, often in countries such as Bermuda that have zero corporate taxes.

Microsoft now ranks third in the U.S. for having stockpiled $108 billion overseas. Only Apple and Pfizer have more (it’s Pfizer that had been trying to essentially renounce its U.S. citizenship and move its headquarters to Dublin, Ireland, for tax reasons.)

Amazon and Expedia both have $1.5 billion in profits in other countries, according to 2015 tax returns analyzed last month by Citizens for Tax Justice, a tax-policy think tank. Costco, Starbucks and Paccar also made the list.

The total amount of “unrepatriated profits” for all Fortune 500 companies has reached $2.4 trillion, an amount that if it were brought home could result in a federal tax bill of more than $600 billion, the report says.

This isn’t just money earned overseas by global companies. As The Seattle Times’ Matt Day showed in an outstanding recent report, Microsoft is No. 3 for a reason. It has pursued a strategy for decades of setting up what are essentially shell companies for low-tax routing of profits from its software sales.

Bottom line: When you buy a copy of Microsoft Office at the Northgate Best Buy, the money isn’t booked at Redmond. Much of it goes to Reno, Nev., (avoiding some Washington state taxes) then to Puerto Rico and Ireland before eventually settling in Bermuda.

The tax think tank estimated that by Microsoft sending its capital on a globe-trotting journey, the company avoided more than $34 billion just in federal taxes.

It’s all legal, the company says. Obama echoed that Tuesday even as he decried it.

“The big problem we have is that a lot of this stuff is legal, not illegal,” Obama said. “You can trace what’s taking place, but you can’t stop it.”

What’s interesting about all this, to me anyway, is how the invisible system by which the rich use slick lawyering and a web of global connections to get a sweeter deal than anyone else is slowly, but surely, being exposed.

But will anyone here care? Already the prime minister of Iceland has resigned due to news of his wife’s offshore account. But I’m guessing Icelanders have a lot more shame about naked capitalism than we do.

On the flip side, there’s definitely a sense of disgust in the ether about how the deck has gotten so stacked.

A few months back I baited Donald Trump supporters to tell me what they see in our first reality-show presidential candidate. Most responses were screeds about Muslims or political correctness. But a few said they back Trump because he alone gets the biggest problem.

“He is separate and apart from the power lobbies that are collusive with the two political parties,” said one Trumpian.

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Wrote another: “Trump says ‘I know how bought off these people in politics are, because I buy them all the time.’ He is the only one saying that the system itself is a sort of sanctioned scam.”

Of course Bernie Sanders is sounding the same alarm (and it wouldn’t be a surprise if Trump himself has money parked in Bermuda.) But intriguingly, Trump and Sanders have at least one position in common: They both propose ending the use of offshore tax havens by corporate America.

When the right and the left start meeting on the other side, maybe something is happening here.

Danny Westneat’s column appears Wednesday and Sunday. Reach him at 206-464-2086 or

Now Here Aye Sarita thoughts Regarding this article. ...

Aye Sarita states the following. ..

Now isn't this a funny concept when a person invades Taxes it's called extortion and is highly illegal and your people sent away to prison for life but when a company does it is completely legal see the double standard pretty funny and when the topic of Donald Trump, no no no... he has no clue how to run a business, I just truly don't believe Trump naive illusions and ideals are nothing more than just talk and because this is something he will not complete will never be able to complete your hospitality or the intelligence to know how to properly do anything he promises, Donald Trump is nothing more than a good bullshitter, he can put on a show and can cause conversity.... but will be load mouth puppet and in no way separate from every corrupt and business official. . Don't be fooled. And further more Donald Trump will only cause the country grief and be the final straw that destroys this country and cause collapsed of USA and world trade economy And due his arrogance also bring a War That cause Invasion to United States of America. ..

Don't vote on popularity!  Don't vote on celebrity propaganda! Don't vote on rumors, here say, and uneducated whem...

Educate your self , research your candidates thoroughly, and don't place a person you can do the job... and if either candidates are not acceptedable...  find a candidate that is, and place there name on the ballot and vote for that person... you can actually do this and it's completely legal and legitimizing the candidate you really think will do best and counts as a legal vote.   True talk... so do your homework,  and fight the last fight we may have to call this county America