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INSURANCE: Covered California reported fewer problems with registration
Gloria Ramirez, der., And his sister Erica, waiting to register for a safe médiuco during a health fair in Sacramento, Calif., November 9. So far, Covered California has not reported major problems as they have with the federal page.
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Published: November 20, 2013 5:25 PM
While Washington politicians try to take advantage of the technical problems that showed from the beginning the website to enroll in Health Law, in Perris, Carlos Angulo, has wasted no time and already have on hand all documents that you will require to apply for health insurance.
"I took the forms in a clinic," Angulo said. "We do not really know what I have to do, but I want to get insurance because I have," said the resident of Perris who despite the enormous controversy that has generated the Health Act or Obamacare, know the benefits that this law will give you.
According to an official of Covered California agency responsible for regulating the insurance market in California, people like Angulo not have much difficulty to register and choose a health plan. Angulo is disabled and has many years without health insurance, so now sees an opportunity to benefit from Obamacare.
Unlike technical problems, frozen pages and delays in federal www.healthcare.gov site, people have reported that in California these problems seem to stand out.
According to Santiago Lucero, spokesman for the California Covered that that California had less glitches than the national site because they are continuously making upgrades and increasing server capacity.
"We knew we had some failures along the way, even the first day, October 1, surpassed the number of users. At night we get the site online and made the appropriate updates, "Lucero said. "Now we still do, even new update this week we will."
With this, the regulator prevents any inconvenience that may hinder the process of membership or information. Lucero also emphasizes that the site is only for Covered California state while the federal site receives visitors from around the country.
In California October 1 to date have registered at least 60,000 people, and over 334,000 have started their applications.
In a recent week Covered California received about 70,000 calls with an average of 25 minutes per call.
Officials expect the number of enrollees increases, since in California around 5.3 million people are eligible to apply for coverage.
"We knew this was going to happen," Lucero said. "We expect a month or two weeks before closing the registration period the largest number of records available."
For people to have health coverage from January 1, 2014, it is necessary to register not later than December 15, however, the enrollment period does not end until March 31, 2014.
Moreover, the Department of Health in the United States through a press release reported that nationally around 106.185 reported purchasing a health plan during the first open enrollment period. While 975.047 have already completed the process but still have not selected a plan for them. 396.261 So also were eligible for Medicaid programs and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP, for its acronym in English).
"The promise of quality affordable coverage is becoming a reality of this first wave of applicants to health insurance markets," said Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the department of health services. "There is no doubt that the interest level is strong. We expect the number of memberships grow over the next five months. We also expect the number to grow as the website, HealthCare.gov, continue to improve. "
Strategy in California
To California provide coverage system is not new. For decades California has offered Medi-Cal health insurance for poor, young, elderly and poor.
Moreover, California has launched a strategic plan to help and inform Covered California. It has about 1,400 counselors available to help enroll people, more than 6,700 insurance agents and has trained more than 10,700 county workers who can help.
According to the report enrollment Department of Health and Human Services of the month November in California have invested $ 94 million to help community groups and local health clinics to disseminate information about the new health plan. Were designed advertising campaigns on radio and television, spectacular to unveil the open enrollment period ads.
To achieve an approach to the Latino population, Covered Califonia has worked with television networks and publications in Spanish, in addition to public events are held at fairs, festivals and farmers' markets and other events.
If you still have doubts
If the health care law even raised doubts call or visit the website Covered California, before buying any insurance ask and solve your doubts.
"On the Internet you can make comparisons and can sometimes be cheaper than the price it has contracted individually," Lucero said. "In addition to that you can see if you qualify for federal subsidies."
California: www.coveredca.com, 1-800-300-1506.
Federal: www.healthcare.gov; 1-800-318-2596.