Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mathematics Is the Universal Language and Very Old Science.

How much do you really know about yourself?... 
As a wise saying once said, to know my enemy is to know myself,
But to know of myself is know the way... 
As I have done a lot of self sole searching I feel I know myself very well. so I wanted to test myself. Since I brutally honest AND yet love science. What better than in the universal language in science which is mathematics. 
AND you won't believe what I found lol...

Free Numerology Mini-Reading for Aye Sarita

Birth Name: Sarah Elizabeth Raquel Reveles
Date of Birth: May 5, 1985

Hi there Aye Sarita,

Thank you for visiting my website at Numerologist.com, and for requesting this sample mini-reading and ongoing numerology tutorial

Let's jump right in by starting to analyze your numerology chart ...

The best place to start is with one of the most basic calculations ... your "life path" -- based on your birth date of May 5, 1985 -- is6.

How Is Your Life Path Calculated ?

This is calculated in four steps:

Add up the digits in your year of birth.
Your year of birth is 1985. Adding 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 gives us 23. Adding 2 + 3 gives us 5

Add up the digits in your day of birth (if more than one digit).
Your day of birth is the 5th. As 5 is a single digit, there's nothing to add here.

Add up the digits in your month of birth (if more than one digit)
Your month of birth is May, which is the 5th month. As 5 is a single digit, there's nothing to add here.

Add up the answers from (1), (2), and (3) above.
The totals, then, are 55, and 5. To get our final answer, we add these three numbers together to give us 15: Adding 1 + 5 gives us 6

Here's how it looks in your Life Path Calculation Chart

Read the each line from left to right, it shows the life path calculation for your month, day,
year and how they are reduced together to arrive at your life path number.

What Does Your Life Path Say About You?

As you are so self-sacrificing you are also in danger of working yourself to the point of exhaustion. One of your life path lessons is to remember to care for yourself as much as you care for others....

Aye Sarita, your Life Path of 6 ...

You have a deep love and concern for your fellow humans and are at your happiest
 when you feel yourself to be in the service of others. You are a supportive and 
self-sacrificing and a friend to all. You intuitively know how to cheer or heal others
 who are in a crisis. You also have a swift, analytical mind, dexterity and a lot more faith
 and courage than is often demonstrated by the other numbers. For this reason, many
 of you end up being doctors, nurses, fire-fighters, policeman, politicians, lawyers, 
crisis line workers, counselors and any occupation that involves empathy, skill or bravery.

Your life path is often filled with responsibility, but the difference between you
 and other people is that you are happy to take it on. You are a sympathetic 
and kind person and skilled in the arts of diplomacy and leadership. Many of you are born
 with an innate wisdom about what others need to survive and thrive. You easily earn
 the devotion and respect of others and are destined to become a pillar of your community.
Like most sixes, you probably were some kind of child prodigy in one subject area.
 You probably seemed to be wise beyond your years and may have accelerated grades
 or entered university early. Furthering your education is likely to be a theme that is
 important to you your entire life. This is because your brilliant mind is always looking
 for ways to enhance the quality of your life.
Another mark of the number 6 child is that he or she tends to connect
 very well with adults and have full, intelligent conversations even at a very young age.
You often marry early and the cornerstones of your life are family, religion,
 philanthropy and compassion. Your relationship with your partner is often destined
 to be a permanent loving one that survives all obstacles. You may also have an 
extraordinary talent for dealing with children, teens and the elderly.
You have very few flaws, but one of them might be a tendency to meddle in or fix
 other people's lives. Also your willingness to excel to please high-ups may look like
 brown nosing to others. As you are often very successful compared to others, you
 might also experience a lot of jealousy and envy from those who just don't see how
good-hearted you really are.
As you are so self-sacrificing you are also in danger of working yourself to the point 
of exhaustion. One of your life path lessons is to remember to care for yourself as much
 as you care for others.
Another one of your life challenges is to make sure that you don't take on more than
 you can chew as this might force you to break promises that you would rather keep.
 You are a soft touch, so you are also at the risk of being taking advantage by individuals
 who might see your kindness as the mark of a fool. However your traditional approach
 to life along with it's ethics and moral values usually serves you well.
Being one of the most domestic numbers, your family and extended family is probably 
the center of your life. You are very realistic in your approach to money and career
 and often have the intelligence and foresight to build a small fortune. This financial 
savvy is good because number six's tend to have large broods or spend many years
of their life supporting parents or other relatives.

Your Expression Number

Your Expression - which describes your potential natural talents and abilities - works out to be a 7.  

How Is Your Expression Calculated?

What we are going to do now is turn all the letters in your name at birth into numbers, using the following chart :

In practice I put the vowels above the name and the consonants underneath. This is because your Soul Urge is derived from the vowels alone, so it makes it easier at the next step to do it this way.
Again there is one exception to the rule and this is with the letter ‘Y’. If it acts as a consonant and is pronounced it is classed as being a consonant. If it is not pronounced or acts as a vowel it is classed as being a vowel. The ‘Y’ in Yolande, for instance, would be classed as being a consonant, but the ‘Y’ in Larry would be classed as being a vowel as it acts as a vowel.

Let’s work out your Expression number, Aye Sarita :

Using the above chart we would put a '1' below the 'S' in your first name. We would follow this with a 1 placed above the 'a', then a 9 below the 'r', a 1 above the 'a', and so on...
We then carry on in the same manner with the rest of your name. When you are finished, you should end up with a chart like this:

Now we simply add up the numbers in each row.

The top row: 1 + 1 + 5 + 9 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 46
The bottom row: 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 9 + 8 + 3 + 9 + 4 + 3 + 1 = 78.
We now add the total of the top and bottom rows, which gives us 46+78=124. Adding 1 + 2 + 4 gives us 7
And so, Sarah Elizabeth Raquel, your Expression is 7.

What a Number '7' Expression Says About You

To you the ultimate expression of your higher self lies within the mysteries of science, nature and the occult. Most number 7s tend to be interested in all three topics....

Aye Sarita, your Expression of 7 ... 
Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities

You are a secret rebel and a loner preferring the company of your brilliant thoughts and fantastic daydreams to the company of other people. You are incredibly spiritually sophisticated and this creates an odd air of detachment to your personality.
You tend to express yourself in a very blunt manner to others simply because you are not a big believer in wasting time with niceties. You tend to not express yourself well through your facial expressions or body language although you can be quite eloquent with words. You do not say much but when you do say something it is usually acutely observant or very enlightening.
To you the ultimate expression of your higher self lies within the mysteries of science, nature and the occult. Most number 7s tend to be interested in all three topics. Many are mathematicians, naturalists, anthropologists, historians or priests.
The virtues of solitude appeal to you most as it allows you the peace and acres of time that you need to investigate your favorite subjects. Even if you have never gone to school you probably have the equivalent of a Ph.D in some kind of esoteric or scientific subject. An important part of your self-expression is the ability to be able to pass this knowledge onto a willing enthusiast or student one day.
You are also likely to choose a romantic partner that shares your intellectual passions. As you are so quirky it takes a very special person indeed to understand your complex body language and need for a lot of personal space. Usually when you do find a partner that understands you, you are so grateful, that you become loyal for life.
Although you make a great teacher, you do not necessarily make a good parent. This is because a child's curiosity often competes with your own child like need to be inquisitive and live in a fantasy world.
You are very logical and in terms of your personal tastes, believe that beauty is a matter of form following function. You are also a perfectionist so much of what you own will probably be the very best or state of the art. You should be well able to afford this as your deeply analytical and logical mind also often lends you a talent for investing money. Although you like owning the best on the market you are not the type to show off. You tend to hide your wealth from others as well as you hide your other secrets. This is partly an attempt on your part to see if an individual likes you for you.
You are very uncomfortable with expressions of emotion and often avoid "feeling your feelings." Many of you may equate relationships with the idea of pain or as an element that could potentially throw you off your balance or defocus you from your "real work." Sometimes your emotions are manifested through illness as you have a tendency to stash all of your feelings, especially the painful ones such as resentment, to the back of your subconcious where they fester for years.
You are also prone to obsession if you let your feelings somehow become the focus of your life. The challenge of some number sevens is to distinguish the difference between how they feel about a situation and the reality of it.
Your reverence for the mysteries of the universe makes you an adamant seeker of truth. Your search for an ideal society or a spiritual epiphany makes you more vulnerable than other numbers to the influences of cults or religious leaders.

Now, Let's Examine Your Soul Urge
(also known as your "Heart's Desire")

Aye Sarita, your Soul Urge of 1 ...
What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life

Your soul urge is to be the best at everything that you do. You play to win and when you don't win you suffer a serious crisis of faith. As you believe you are directly connected to a higher power you just can't bear it when you let yourself and others down. It makes you think that there is no God.

One of your greatest challenges is to put your life in perspective. Most ones are born into lives that encourage their personal development and in particular the expression of their free will. However it is often this sense of entitlement, that the world must always be your oyster that leads to your downfall.
You may see your pride as being evidence of your high self-esteem and confidence. However sometimes your ambition and drive is so extreme that it disgusts and angers others who may perceive you as selfish and controlling. In ancient cultures flaunting your talents and wealth was thought to attract "the evil eye." In your case the evil eye is often others desire to see your pride crushed or watch you take a big fall off your pedestal.
You on the other hand don't understand why others can't see that you are special. Many number ones suffer from a bad case of terminal uniqueness. You love things that are one of a kind and will resort to extreme or even outrageous behavior to prove that you are irreplaceable.
In your universe you are the sun and everything and everybody else rotates around you. Many number ones sabotage their careers in the early stages, as they cannot get past the idea that someone else might know more or be better than them. Ones that feel dominated may resort to overtly rebelling against authority and cause chaos.
Your eagerness to be recognized for your talents sometimes turns you into a braggart. This often incurs the wrath of others, as it seems that you really are concerned with taking care of number one and nobody else. One of your soul lessons might be to recognize that "to rule is truly to serve."
If your talents are not appreciated or recognized by others you may steal the spotlight by creating unnecessary dramas in your life. This is because in your mind even negative attention than no attention at all.
If you feel you are a failure you also risk the temptation of escaping into addiction or fantasy. You may get involved in troubling situations with emotionally disturbed people so that you can feel like the hero by rescuing them.
The conflict that you face is the age-old battle between your will and what fate has to offer. When bad things happen to number ones they tend to give up entirely. This is part of a damaging all or nothing mentality. This type of attitude often puts you in situations that are humiliating as you often persist out of pure stubbornness even though all signs point to eventual failure.
To be successful you need to temper your soul urges with patience and tact. You need to learn to see other people's point of view and let others win an argument once in a while. You are in such a hurry to succeed that you often make hasty decisions that you regret later. Acting on impulse is definitely a hazard for you on your life path. Rather than listen to your ego, listen to you higher self as well.
Aye Sarita, To be honest, this was just a small taste
of what I can share with you...

Now Find OUT About YOURS!


All you do is enter an your full name and date of birth and an email... Thats it.. than two emails are sent and you can read your report.