Real life experiences to inform.In my excitement,I just wanted to pass the info forward. maybe My experience can help another. I Believe their Nothing wrong in learning something new and pushing oneself to explore and to always DO better in perfecting yourself everyday!!!
Aye Sarita's My True Secrets in Controlling Anger and Temper based on my experiences
For all that don't know I was born with an disorder Manic Depressant Bipolar and Dislectxa but i don't allow my disorder to control who I am As a person or all the things I am able of doing
I believe alot things we as a person is really mind over matter ability.. so I wanted to share my secrets with others
after .... clearing my head, and processing how I feel, After LONG Thinking ... HERE IS MY THOUGHT in the response to this horrible event, NOT taking guns from OWNERS, OR PROMOTING others to BUY GUNS,
THRU FULL GUN EDUCATION(history, safety, mechanics, all cons in having a
gun, etc , DEFENSE TRAINING, Mental Evaluation of the entire household,
Prior to in the owning of the gun, BECAUSE....
MINDED INTERESTED FOOLS, WHO only concern is to keep the power they
have, that child shouldn't of never been able get that gun, SEE THUR there INVOKING OF FEAR BULLSH***, there has already been regulation on clearance of a background of the entire of before the purchase of an fire
arm as well as completion of gun safety
People we must THINK before we ACT, DON'T let OUR EMOTIONS define our Actions A racial and sensible choice is better than a foolish choice!
Sorry I wasn't here lately, but with all that's been going on I had to
clear my head and process all i was feeling and let go of it and then
relaxed and rested, and my mind is clear and awakened,
The REAL PROBLEM in all this is this IMPROPERLY SECURING your gun and
having a kid get it and accidentally shoot someone, AND HAS BEEN A
PROBLEM for a long time,
With in that I say this, IF person, LACKS COMMON SENSE, LACKS a HUMBLE
HONEST HONORABLE Impersonally in well being of DECISIONS, and LACK
PEOPLE SHOULD prepare them self how to DISARM a GUN,
NOT the urge to have a gun, When you know how to due this your threat is
kindly to bring you the tool you need if, that's has to be the ending
Think for yourself, don't let others think for us...
The Entire FULL TRUTH SUMMARY OF Dilma's America Faces And The Direction American NEEDS TO BE
I can sit here and try to tell you, but you may sit there and say What the heck do I know so why don't you hear for BILL Clinton Him Self on Serious Issue's America's truly face and problems we can either choose to resolve, work on or create more of a mess by BS and not considering to take things into a balance that benefits us all. As well, the direction America need to be.
Listen to the former president, that was a man that came from a lower to middle class man, that use to work on late night show playing his saxaphone, who jokey said when ask,
"So Client what will you do with your life if the musican thing doesn't workout?"
He just smiled shrugged his shoulders and joking said, "I don't know become president!"
I personally think, Since he was a man that came from knowing our true struggles and completely had a true understanding where the low and middle class are coming from, That's what made him a great president and was able to bring American from debt and #1 in the nation when he was in office
Right now, President Obama is asking you to think about what $2,000 a year means to you and your family, BECAUSE Right now, Congress could stop taxes from going up on middle-class families by as much as $2,200 a year.
President Obama has asked them to do the right thing, but they need to hear from you.
Watch this video about the President's tax plan, and then share your story today.
What does $2,000 mean to you?
For more than 19 months, President Obama campaigned on
And Is my, Aye Sarita's SOLEly Educated Belief,(that Can Only Save USA):
(the idea that if we're going to be successful, every American has to do their part and pay their fair share.
A centerpiece of his platform, and the campaign you built, was that income taxes should not go up on the middle class -- that the responsible way to pay down the deficit, while investing in education, job training, research and science, is to ask the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more.)
Right now, President Obama is asking you to think about what $2,000 a year means to you and your family—because Congress needs to hear it.
What $2,000 a year means to you and your family?
Here's My, Aye Sarita's Anwser:
Keeps a room over my head for my son and myself,
Keep me to continue investing in my future by Education. Also,
pays for me to be able to see my health doctor in fight in my mental disorder I been born with,
so I can remain productive individual in society,
and show my son that in america you can achieve the impossible with Educated choices, dedication, hard work, good health, utilising this counties United States Of America foundation and government system,
which based its belief
" ALL have the RIGHT to achieve Greatness and PURSE in HAPPINESS"
We are ALL FOR the People by the People and SHALL DO and SHALL be DONE FoR and BY people no matter what class.
THE BILL STATUS AS OF December 2, 2012
The Senate has passed a bill that stops taxes from going up for 98% of American families, and asks those who can afford it to pay a little more. If the House follows suit, President Obama is ready to sign it as soon as it hits his desk.
If they fail to do so, a typical middle-class family of four will see their taxes go up by $2,000 in just a few short weeks.
President Obama is asking Congress to do the right thing and act before the New Year, but he needs our help. We've got a good track record here:
When we make our voices heard and urge Congress to take action—whether it's about health care, student loans, Wall Street reform, or "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"—they listen.
Take a moment to share your story:
What does $2,000 a year mean to you and your family?
For more than 19 months, President Obama campaigned on the idea that if we're going to be successful, every American has to do their part and pay their fair share.
♥Immortality☻! Thru stem cells (within decades we can achieve)
This is the Nobel Prize for Medicine!
One of my peeps Alex P. brought this story to my attention and to him I say Thank you!
Here is THE Brief Video summary of this topic:
6 min Australian TV video explains how within decades we can achieve physical ♥Immortality☻ thru stem cells:). Karl also talks about the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
Just in case you need more reasons to eat fruit, other than because your mother told you so or “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, here is a short list of fruits and just a few of the health benefits you could experience from eating them on a regular basis …
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"I take no sides, and believe to only present the facts and the Brutal TRUTH, And base on those facts and truth is my moral stands, I believe in the simple concept of just doing what is right and not only to think of one self but what WILL benefit all people." "ONE can achieve greatness without harming or hurting or lying or betraying ANOTHER!"
"Real life experiances to inform.. sorry if audio is shotty just wanted to pass the info forward. maybe My experiance can help another.
Nothing wrong in learning something new and pushing oneself to explore
I am one to believe to always better yourself everyday!!!" -Aye Sarita
Here I talk about topics that I think are important or topics of wisdom or topics of things I like and discover. Then I discuss the the story why it important and the truth behind the fact and my opinion on what can be done and how i feel about the subject by telling the brutal truth..
How to Color Roots from Black hair to Blonde-Aye_Sarita(as low as 9.00)
I'll show you all my secrets that I discovered, I not a pro or a barbie Just Nerdy Tomboy. In the power of research one can do anything for a low price. Get salon results without the price. Ill show you my steps and tips as I color my hair.
Well I was surfing the web looking for new topics and behold this video was shown to me. At first I couldn't believe it.. Could this video be a fake??? Or did our plant of the greatest minds really Discover Actual LIFE on another planet??? Real OR Fake YOU BE THE JUDGE! Thus, proving once again ignorance is bliss...